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Honor Your Hero

ConnectLife's Hero of the Month series honors local organ, eye, and tissue donors by sharing their lives and stories. Was your loved one an organ, eye, and/or tissue donor? We want to honor them. If you would like to nominate a loved one who gave the gift of life, please complete the form. Required fields are marked with a asterisk (*) and three photo uploads are also required. ConnectLife will contact you when your loved one is chosen for the Hero of the Month. To read through past stories, click the pictures below.

Featured Stories

Organ, eye, and tissue donors are true heroes. They save countless lives through the gift of life. Their gifts touch the lives of thousands of recipients and their families each and every day. ConnectLife is dedicated to sharing these inspiring stories to share the life and legacy of Western New York organ, eye, and tissue donors.

Honoring Your Hero - Share Their Story
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Thanks for sharing your loved one's story. We will get back to you within 72 hours.

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