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Blood Donor Highlight, Craig Schettler

Smiling Craig and Danielle LaPress, ConnectLife Fixed Site Manager
Craig and Danielle LaPress, ConnectLife Fixed Site Manager

I donate with ConnectLife not only because they make it easy, but because I have the time.

The first time I donated back in 2010 I came in to donate whole blood. After donating, I started to notice that some donors were sitting in these special chairs that I called "easy chairs," so I asked the staff what they were donating and they said they were donating platelets.

That's when my dedication to platelet donation began. It was that simple. And the rest is history!

I have always donated at the closest center to my house, which happened to be ConnectLife's Southgate Neighborhood Blood Donation Center in West Seneca. Just recently, I hit my 300th donation.

My motivation is that if I can help anyone in one small way, I will do my part.
Craig Schettler donating platelets

Donating platelets is not painful at all and each time I come in to donate the staff are courteous, professional, and caring. Also, the snacks are wonderful!

Has Craig's story inspired you to share your own? Submit your story to be our next hero highlighted as our Blood Donor Highlight here:


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