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Blood Donor Highlight, Erik Schneider

Updated June 2024

Blood Donor Highlight Hero, Erik Schneider

It means a lot to me that my platelet donations stay local because I love giving back to the Western New York community. We are the City of Good Neighbors. Over the past three years, I have enjoyed donating and seeing the friendly ConnectLife staff - they make the whole donation process easy and fun.

On January 8, 2021, I was working the evening shift on a Friday night at Canisius University and out of the blue, I was thinking to myself “When was the last time I donated platelets?”

I checked out ConnectLife’s website and it said that the last time I donated was in August of 2017. So, I went and checked to see when the next available appointment was and sure enough it was the next morning on Saturday, January 9. It was great to be back at the Williamsville location and meet some new phlebotomists and reconnect with my high school friend Lyndsay LaRoach (Schumacher). They made me feel welcome. Now over three years later, I have made 66 donations, and I will not step anytime soon.

My advice for people that want to start donating is just take deep calm breathes, drink plenty of water, make sure your iron levels are good. If you have questions, the ConnectLife team can help you and put you at ease so your donation be a successful one. - Erik Schneider (November 2022)
Erik Schneider, with ConnectLife staff

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