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Blood Donor Highlight, Patti Fee


Patti Fee, Blood Donor Highlight February 2023

I was not born in Buffalo, but I definitely call Buffalo home. I have been here for 25 years. Go Bills! I have worked at Lawley for 25 years and find that they are more like a family to me.

What first inspired me to donate was because there was a blood drive at the downtown Lawley office. I took a few minutes out of my day and donated blood. The ConnectLife phlebotomists told me that all blood donated through ConnectLife stays here in Western New York and goes to help patients at our local hospitals, including Oishei Children’s Hospital. It changed my whole outlook on donation. Also, because I have O negative blood, it is always needed.

Patti Fee

Now, every time ConnectLife comes in the office, I never miss an opportunity to help. O negative blood is the most needed blood type because it is the universal blood type. I have something that I can give back to the community and save lives of real people - especially babies at the local hospitals.

Donating blood with ConnectLife is always a great experience. The employees are amazing. They get us in and out quick and are always looking out for our well-being. Plus, I always love the snacks.

Another reason I am dedicated to donating blood is because my brother needed a transfusion when he was undergoing treatment for cancer. My brother was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after not being treated for the correct thing for several months. Luckily, they found the correct course of antibiotics and being a fighter, he pulled through. That was 20 years ago, and he has been in remission for 15 years!

Patti Fee with mickey ears on

What I want people to know about donating blood is that the time it takes to sit and have your blood drawn is the same time it takes to sit in a drive-thru for coffee! ConnectLife takes all the precautions for those that don't like needles and/or the sight of blood. It’s not scary, and you can save local lives. In my opinion there is nothing better than that.

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